Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Today must be Drama Tuesday. Law and Order SVU is on tonight...so I guess its only fitting. Jay and I are friends with a couple who are abusive to one another. As much as they love each other they fight and accuse each other of everything. When they fight its very abusive language and at times it gets physical...but they continue to stay together. The last few days have been filled with so much drama. Its made Jay and I very thankful for one another. Jay and I are very worried about them and especially their kids...Thank goodness Jay and I are as close as we are.

The weekend went pretty good. Saturday we went to a party for a friend. It was pretty crazy! I love my friends. I met Melissa when I was two... its funny because I don't really remember meeting her. I just remember she's always been there. Manda n Krista are sisters and I met them when I was five. I'm 22 now and we're still tight! Here is a few pictures from Saturday night.

Playing with Auntie Manda.

Manda playing beer pong!

Auntie Mel and Caliber

Just us being so cool :)

Krista and Amanda dancing!

Me N Jay

My beautiful kids enjoying their time.

And towards the end of the night...we get silly.

So Sunday was pretty busy. We went over to friends to watch the football game and we also found out our pipes froze AGAIN. BLAH. I didn't have my camera with me so I was unable to get a picture for that day.

Monday rolls around and pipes are still frozen. Jay stayed home from work to get them thawed. Boo. I also got my hair done. Tiffany did my hair, cut it and put redlights and highlights in it. It looks so good. I'll post a picture soon. Yesterday either. Boo.

Well here are my pics from the 18th and 19th anyway.

PAD - January 18th. Cameron - Practicing on my focusing still :D

PAD - January 19th - At the party...Amanda (my bff) and Jay (my DH) Aren't they cute?