Wednesday, January 23, 2008


I almost literally sit here with ice on my hands. It has to be but 50 degrees downstairs! I hate cold weather, and this house is so old and there are cracks and drafts everywhere. Gosh... I so think I'm going to start moving my computer upstairs for the winter!! Oh well I'll deal I guess... at least our pipes haven't frozen quite yet...

The Carolinas are beckoning me... I think I'm going to move there eventually... maybe sometime next year so we can be there before Brooklynn starts school... who knows.

Gosh... just checked the weather and it's going to be below freezing until Saturday... jeez. Did I say I hated winter??


I scrapped the other day but I've been so cold I haven't wanted to get on the computer. So oh well... here is my most recent Page:


Credits HERE

Oh and Traci Sims is having a sale at Your Digital Dream - everything 40% off. Which includes this awesome kit of hers (I can't wait to play with it!)

Posh Princess


Amy said...

Great page! We're cold, too, up here in Alaska. Not too bad for us, though -- we're in the 30s today. Stay warm and keep scrapping!

Monique said...

I know how you feel about the cold, I hate it! Our place gets pretty cold in here too, the heaters are right under the windows and the heat rises and goes right out the windows they are so poorly insulated. I can't wait for spring... lol. Have a great day, try to get warm! :-)