Tuesday, January 15, 2008

my week in words.

I think I'm going to start describing my week in words. It's hard not to. I'm feeling very inspired by words lately. find. slumber. down time. caffeinated frustrated. I used these words and searched flickr for visual illustrations of them. And from that I created my first mosaic (thanks to Ali Edwards for the inspiration {of course}).

1. The Little Sad Flower, 2. Mr. Anger, 3. anger, 4. frustrated, 5. coffee, 6. discover the inside, 7. Upside Down Time, 8. Ohhh . . . yes!, 9. Saturday's Find, 10. Yard Sale Finds, 11. Find the man 3, 12. green ones are hard to find, 13. Frilly Finds..., 14. lost and sometimes found, 15. Slumber, 16. sibling slumber...


Lilja said...

I love your mosaic - it's a pretty cool way of showing emotions! Beautiful!

Robin L said...

What a great idea and love you mosaic.